
Arteam Cup 2017, Canneto sull’Oglio (Italy)

BonelliLAB, Canneto sull’Oglio (Province of Mantua)

28 October – 19 November 2017


The work Cream Hand Mixer # 1 was included in the finalists’ exhibition of the Arteam Cup 2017, curated by Matteo Galbiati and Livia Savorelli.

The Arteam Cup, which was held in Canneto sull’Oglio following its launch at the Officina delle Zattere in Venice and the 2016 event at Palazzo del Monferrato in Alessandria, is the flagship event of the Associazione Culturale Arteam, from which it takes its name. The event’s objectives have not changed: to provide, through the finalists’ exhibition, an excellent opportunity to increase visibility and meet other artists, at a different venue every year; to help artists break into the main art market and into art galleries through the range of prizes developed each year; to offer important training opportunities, such as artist’s residences and other special and curatorial projects; to foster and encourage interaction and the exchange of ideas among artists; and to enter into contact with the world of business.

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